Differential Game of Two Pursuers Chasing One Evader with Different Forms of Constraints in l_2- Space


  • Babani Abdullahi Umar Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University, P.M.B 065 Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria
  • Usman Waziri Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University, P.M.B 065 Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria
  • Adamu Yusha’u Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University, P.M.B 065 Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria
  • Alhaji Abdullahi Gwani Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University, P.M.B 065 Gadau, Bauchi State, Nigeria




Pursuer, Evader, Differential-game, First-order


This paper addresses a pursuit differential game involving two Pursuers chasing one Evader within the l2 -space for an infinite system of first-order differential equations. The first Pursuer employs a strategy that satisfied integral constraint, while the second Pursuer uses a strategy governed by a geometric constraint. The goal of each pursuer is to force the state of the system to coincide with a predefined state within a finite time, counteracting the Evader's opposing actions. We construct an explicit strategy to determine the conditions necessary for successful pursuit. Moreover, we explore a control problem involving a single player.


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How to Cite

Umar, B. A., Waziri, U., Adamu Yusha’u, & Alhaji Abdullahi Gwani. (2024). Differential Game of Two Pursuers Chasing One Evader with Different Forms of Constraints in l_2- Space. Gadau Journal of Pure and Allied Sciences, 3(1), 72–78. https://doi.org/10.54117/gjpas.v3i1.148

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