Isolation, Screening and Biochemical Characterization of Used Engine Oil Degrading Bacillus Species and Pseudomonas Species


  • Abdullahi Aliyu Jibo Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University Gadau P.M.B 065, Bauchi, Nigeria.
  • Kabiru Ibrahim karamba Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University Gadau P.M.B 065, Bauchi, Nigeria.



Extensive demand of natural resources has resulted in several large-scale unintentional hydrocarbon oil spills and environmental catastrophes due to the rising demand for fossil fuel energy. These hydrocarbon pollutants have effect on environment and human health. Spectrophotometric and Biochemical Methods are used for the research. Soil sample were collected from two different contaminated areas and used engine oil, the bacteria were isolated and tested for evaluation of bacterial growth and biodegradation by enrichment technique using Bushnell Hass broth with used engine oil as sole carbon source. The results show that Pseudomonas specie were capable of degrading used engine oil which remove 80% of the oil and Bacillus specie which remove 65% of the used engine oil. This illustrates that hydrocarbon biodegrading bacteria can be used for remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil.


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How to Cite

Abdullahi Aliyu Jibo, & Kabiru Ibrahim karamba. (2024). Isolation, Screening and Biochemical Characterization of Used Engine Oil Degrading Bacillus Species and Pseudomonas Species. Gadau Journal of Pure and Allied Sciences, 3(1), 59–64.